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Cookie Policies

The User is informed that ADVANCED GROUP SRL uses cookie technology with the aim of making the browsing experience more pleasant for all Users who visit the Site.

Cookies are small files that the Site visited by the User sends to the browser, where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the Site itself on the next visit by the same User.

Cookies are used for different purposes including performing IT authentications; session monitoring; storage of information on specific configurations concerning users accessing the server.

These allow the Site to remember the User’s data for the duration of the visit or for subsequent visits, allow the User to navigate between pages efficiently, memorize his preferences, allow the latter to interact with social networks networks such as Facebook, Google, Instagram and offer the services of Google Maps.

Cookies can also be used to store the User’s login data and therefore make the User’s recognition automatic (and therefore the username and password entry procedure is superfluous every time the User accesses the site).

Data processing takes place with the aid of electronic or, in any case, automated, IT or telematic tools, with logic strictly related to the purposes expressed above and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

Technical cookies (which do not require your consent)

According to the legislation in force in Italy, the express consent of the user is not always required for the use of cookies. In particular, technical cookies, i.e. those used for the sole purpose of transmitting a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user, do not require this consent. In other words, these are cookies that are essential for the site to function or necessary to perform activities requested by the user.

Among technical cookies, which do not require express consent for their use, the Italian Data Protection Authority also includes:

  • analytics cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site itself,
  • navigation or session cookies (to authenticate, to make a purchase, etc.),
  • functionality cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service rendered to the same.

Profiling cookies (which require your consent)

Our site also uses the so-called cookies. profiling that we can only install with your prior consent. Profiling cookies are designed to create user profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while surfing the net. These cookies are used to present content more suited to users and their interests. They can be used to display targeted advertisements or to limit the number of times you view an advertisement. For the same purpose, and through automated processing of various types, the data thus collected may be enriched and crossed with data from other sources, to obtain new information on users, create homogeneous classes and summary data relating to each user; such data and information may be synchronized with platforms, including external ones, for business intelligence and marketing automation activities. Due to the particular invasiveness that these cookies can have in the private sphere of users, European and Italian legislation provides that the user must be adequately informed about their use and thus express their valid consent. Profiling cookies require the prior acquisition of the user’s free informed consent, which the Site acquires in the forms provided for by the Provision through the banner that appears on the first visit as well as through the extended information that allows the user to grant or deny the related consent.

First-party and third-party cookies

If the cookies received by the User’s terminal are installed directly by the manager of the site that the User is visiting, they are first-party cookies. While browsing the site, however, the User can also receive on his terminal cookies from different sites or web servers (so-called third-party cookies) on which some elements may reside (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) present on the site that the same is visiting. In this case, these are cookies that are set by a website other than the one you are currently visiting.